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March 13, 2022



This Week's Message:

"The Vine and The Branches"

John 15:1-8

Pastor Bill Levy

Children's Worship

  • Ages 3-7

  • Ages 8-11



Adult Connect:

  • The book of Philippians

  • The book of Romans

Youth Connect:

  • Ages 12 – 19 

Kids Connect:

  • Ages 3 - 11 


Please see service opportunities on TV screen in the foyer.


Please pray for:

  • ??

  • The Governing Board as they proceed with their work toward securing a new Lead Pastor



service opportunity

July 10th  |  5:30 - 7:30pm

Please contact Laura Hale if you
would like to volunteer 

Benevolent Offering

If you feel so led, there will an opportunity to give toward the benevolent offering after Sunday's service. This offering goes for those in our church who are in need

Opportunity to Serve

Join our group that is helping at the Pocatello Food Bank to make someone else's life a little better.

5:30-7:30pm Monday

555 S 1st Ave

Contact Laura Hale (208) 240-4575 or Barry Everett Jr (208) 241-2800 

Ladies Book Club

A Ladies Book Club is held the First Friday of each month at Kiwi Loco - 1595 Yellowstone Avenue. Featured Book for June is 6 Hours One Friday by Max Lucado.  June's meeting is set for June 3 at 7:00pm.

Opportunity to Serve

Join our group that is helping at the Pocatello Food Bank to make someone else's life a little better.

5:30-7:30pm Monday, April 10

555 S 1st Ave

Contact Laura Hale for more information. 


Guys, come together for our monthly time of challenging one another and praying for one another Saturday, April 15 at 8:00am

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2023 Read Through The Bible Program

We encourage everyone to participate in the 2023 Read Through The Bible Program.  If you do not have a "One Year Bible," a free bible is available in the Church foyer.  Please limit one bible per family.  A $10 Companion notebook is available for purchase.  A sign-up sheet to order your notebook is on the table near the foyer.   

Thank You Church Family! 

The Levys and Michauds extend their thanks for your generous Pastor Appreciation gift.  It is an  honor to serve you.

Kids Worship

There will be no Kids Worship available next Sunday for the 8-11 year olds.

Concrete Wall

Guest Network Password

Our guest network has changed to CAC Guest. You can login by using the password: John3:16

Mountain Ridge


Annual Youth Overnight Retreat at 8 Mile guard station is planned for June 21 - 22.   You can sign up by  Clicking Here.  Cost is $20 per person.  For more information please contact Pastor Mike.

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Church Events Calendars

Church calendars with February birthdays, anniversaries and other events are available on the literature table in the foyer.


State of the Church Address

Pastor Dan will give a report of his heart for our church on February 12th 

Friends Talking

Every Tuesday at 10am 

Read Through The Bible In A Year. Cost of companion notebook is $10. Contact the Church Office for more information. 

Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Opportunity to Serve

Join our group that is helping at the Pocatello Food Bank to make someone else's life a little better.

5:30-7:30pm - Monday, January 9

555 S 1st Ave

Idaho Food Bank staff will base Monday's project on the number of volunteers planning to attend. Contact Laura Hale to let her know if you are volunteering.

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Saturday, January 14 -  12:30pm at the church. This month's lunch will be "Baked Potato Bar" Please sign-up to bring a potato topping, salad or dessert to share. 

Sign-up sheet is in the foyer.

Contact Justin Aldridge for more information. 

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Saturday, December 10 - 12:30pm at the church. This month's lunch will be "Happy Holidays" Please sign-up to bring an item to share. 

Contact Justin Aldridge for more information. 

Interested in becoming a member of Calvary Alliance Church?

A membership Class will be held December 4 at 11:25 am (During Connect Classes)  Please contact Pastor Dan or Pastor Mike for more information 


Calvary Alliance Church calendars for December are now available on the literature table in the foyer

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Christmas Angels Concert

Christmas Angels Concert will be held Monday, November 21 at 7pm.  Please bring a new unwrapped toy or monetary gift for a family in need.

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Sign-up at the Information Center

July 15th   |  8:00 - 9:30am 

Men's Breakfast

Missions Conference Is This Weekend!

April 28 - 30
Special Events Are Planned

Chad is joining us from West Africa, where he works in a center for young adults, teaching English, computer classes, and more as a connection point with the hopes of sharing Christ with the least reached peoples in that area.

Weekend Events Include:

Friday, April 28 - 6:30 pm

International Worker Welcome and Chili Cook-off.  Bring your best chili and see how it stacks-up against the competition!

Saturday, April 29 - 12:30 pm

Young At Heart Missionary Luncheon

Sunday, April 30 - 10:00 am

Worship Service with a Special message from our International Worker 

Meal Ministry 

Meal Ministry Sign-up forms are on the literature table in the foyer.  This ministry provides meals for individuals/families who have a temporary need due to illness or other medical event.

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Bible Study Fellowship
Women's Group

A new Bible Study Fellowship series for women is beginning on September 12.  Meetings will be held Monday night - 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm.  This series is called People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided.  Contact Shelly Estevez at 208.852.6891 for more information.

Smiling Friends

Baby Bottle Campaign 2022

Compassion and Hope Baby Bottle Pregnancy Center Campaign begins today. 

Baby Bottles are available in the foyer.  Fill with your extra coins, etc. and return by Father's Day.   



Sign up to participate on the Church Softball Team is available in the foyer or you may sign-up by clicking here.  



service opportunity

July 10th  |  5:30 - 7:30pm

Please contact Laura Hale if you
would like to volunteer 

Church Fellowship Luncheon - September 11th

Everyone is invited to particiate in a Church Fellowship Luncheon on September 11 immediately following the Worship Service.  Please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share.  Fried Chicken will be provided. 


Looking to Share Your Faith?

A brother from our church, Elias Alcaraz, has a deep passion to reach the lost people of Pocatello with the Good News of Jesus Christ. His desire is to talk to people at the mall or the park about the Gospel. If you would like to join him in sharing your faith and reaching the lost people of Pocatello, please sign up at the Information Center. Contact Elias Alcaraz to learn more about this awesome ministry.

God's Golden Gals

June 1 - 1PM

This is a new group designed for widows.  Each month  God's Golden Gals will engage in a new adventure

Please bring a sack lunch and join us!  Contact Brenda Swore for more information. 

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Sign up sheet to participate on a Church Softball Team is available at the information center in the foyer.  


Ladies Book Club Meets Once A Month

Featured Book This Month
"I Am Not But I Know I Am"
By Louie Giglio
May 6th 7pm to 8pm at Kiwi Loco
(1595 Yellowstone Ave.)

Contact Shelly Estevez at 208-852-6892 for more information.



Easter Events

 Easter Celebration

9 AM Easter Breakfast

Start your Easter morning with biscuits and sausage gravy, eggs, hashbrowns and fruit.

10 AM Easter Celebration Service

​Join us for our Easter Celebration Service which will feature a special children's presentation.

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Good Friday Service

Join us Friday April 7th at 7:00 PM for a special Good Friday Service. We will be reflecting on Christ's sacrificial death on the cross for us.

Alliance Life Magazine

Pick up your free copy of the latest issue of Alliance Life magazine

Written primarily by Alliance front-line workers, this award-winning magazine, bears first-hand witness to what God is doing through the worldwide Alliance family while challenging its readers to go deeper in their walk with Jesus.  Copies are available in the foyer or online at

Communion Sunday Benevolent Offering 

Today is Communion Sunday.  Our Tradition on the first Sunday of each month is to focus on those in need.  If you would like to support this endeavor, please mark "Benevolent" on your offering. Thank you!

Peacemakers Craft Group


Friday, April 21 at 9am

Join us for a time of fellowship.  Whether you are starting something new or finishing your current art project we would love to see you!  Please bring your own craft project and lunch.  

Peacemakers Craft Group


Meets on Friday, January 20 at 9am

Dudes & Donuts

Guys, come together for our monthly time of challenging one another and praying for one another Saturday, January 21 at 8:00am


Ladies Book Club

A Ladies Book Club is held the First Friday of each month at Kiwi Loco - 1595 Yellowstone Avenue. Featured Book for July is Self Talk Soul Talk by Jennifer Rothschild.  July's meeting is set for July 8 at 7:00pm.


Easter Events

Kids Easter Celebration

  • Easter Egg Hunt

  • Crafts

  • Storytime

  • Snacks

 Easter Celebration

9 AM Easter Breakfast

Start your Easter morning with biscuits and sausage gravy, eggs, hashbrowns and fruit.

10 AM Easter Celebration Service

​Join us for our Easter Celebration Service which will feature a special children's presentation.


800 Marinus Lane   Pocatello, ID   83201

(208) 237-2120

Rev. Bill Levy, Pastor

Mike Michaud, Asst. Pastor

give online



Success! Message received.

White Structure

Our Daily Bread Devotionals

The New Our Daily Bread Devotionals are available on the literature table in the foyer or get the digital version by clicking here.

White Structure

Church Events Calendars

Church calendars with May birthdays, anniversaries and other events are available at the Information Center in the foyer.

Dessert Fest and Game Night!

Saturday - July 30 at 6:30PM will be an ALL Church Dessert and Game Night.  Come and enjoy a night of fun and fellowship.  Dessert will be provided – bring an indoor or outdoor game to play!



Annual Youth Overnight Retreat at 8 Mile guard station is planned for June 21 - 22.  Cost is $20 per person.  For more information please contact Pastor Mike.


Calvary Alliance Church calendars for June are now available on the literature table in the foyer

Prayer Requests

Did you know that prayer requests for the church body are sent by text?  If you would like to receive prayer requests by text, please send an email to and we will add you to the text group.

Smart Phone Screen

Vacation Bible School
July 17 - 20

6:30 pm

Kids - join us for a "Monumental" week as we celebrate God's Greatness.  


Weekly Digital Bulletin

If you would like to receive a weekly reminder and link to our digital bulletin, please send an email to with your request.

Smart Phone Screen

Friday Morning Women's Study

A New Bible Study on Prayer will be held Friday mornings at 10:30 am at the home of Kathy Michaud.  The "Kick off" study will be held on Thursday, February 16.  Contact Kathy Michaud or Mandy Everett for more information.  Sign-up sheet is located in the Church foyer.   

Lead Pastor Candidate Visit Is Coming In September

Lead Pastor Candidate Visit is tentatively scheduled the weekend of September 16 - 18.  The candidate visit will include - touring Pocatello and the surrounding area, attending Calvary Alliance Church events and preaching during Sunday Worship.  Please plan to join us during this important weekend!  More details will follow in the days ahead.

Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study

New Study starting Tuesday, September 6 at 10am "Christ Our All Sufficient Savior" by Diana Schick - A study through the book of Colossians.  Contact Valerie Carey at 530-520-0455 for more information.

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

New Study starting Wednesday, September 14 at 10am "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan - A study on the Holy Spirit.  Contact Debbie Bernardt at 208-757-8583 for more information. 

Annual Elections 

Annual Elections will be held TODAY

immediately following the Worship Service.


Live stream of the Christmas Eve Service is available here.

Christmas Eve Service

A Christmas Eve Service will be held Saturday, December 24 at 6pm.  Cookies and hot cocoa will be provided for your enjoyment after the service.  Please plan to join us as we celebrate Christ's birth.

  • YouTube

Idaho Food Bank

Monday, January 8th  |  5:30-7:30pm

Come join us as we volunteer at the Idaho Food Bank. Our desire is to help feed our communities and shine with the love of Jesus

Young At Heart Seniors Luncheon

Saturday, January 13th  |  12:30pm


Saturday, November 18 | 8-9am

Men's ministry centered around praying for one another and challenging one another... 

and also donuts!


Youth Fall Fireside

October 8 | 11:30am - 4:00pm | Scout Mountain

Parents, please fill out a consent form here

​© Copyright 2024 Calvary Alliance Church

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